Storage Services

Warehousing, handling and storage


Burj Africa has an open air storage area, which is guarded and operated 24 hours a day, where it is possible for our clients to store their equipment that is intended to operate in Libya and USA.


Our nearness to Libya and Africa Countries allows the transport of equipment in a relatively short time.


Burj Africa , offers two main storage facilities in Libya for the companies who are looking for a big warehouses and enough to build up. 


We have Misrata Free Zone space empty for any companies who want to make use of this space as there storage area or facilities area. 

And a Second place is available in Ain Zara - Tripoli for the same use. 


Storage Facilities for equipment, tools and material in transit to oil fields or work site.


We are using a Global warehouse concept to let the regular employees and worker to build up the sites and warehouse and needed buildings and structure to perform there tasks. With providing them with enough space to perform such a task.